Watch the video above and use the diagram & quotes below to engage with holistic design
“Skeleton, Skin, and Spirit give us a fractal pattern for kingdom design that allows us to unlock potential across many people and places in a way that is God-empowered and contextually relevant.”
“Jesus was Skeleton, Skin, and Spirit. Many of us are familiar with the translation of John 1:14 in The Message: “The word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neigh- borhood.” The Skeleton of God’s word and truth took on humanity’s Skin (literally!) and dwelt among us, as Jesus came to earth to do the work of his Father (Spirit).”
Use the simple checklist below to reflect on your organization’s current principles, practices and Holy Spirit partnership. These will help you to discern where you need to move toward a more holistic design process that activates every person in your organization.
Is Skeleton, Skin or Spirit weakest (or missing) in our organization?
What would a healthier balance look like?
What two or three changes could we make in the short or medium term to strengthen Skeleton, Skin or Spirit?
Where can we create opportunities to activate every person in our organization?
Download the Skeleton, , Skin & Spirit practices below to go further in strenghthening your design process.